⭐️"First time in this salon for an American pose. The result is superb" - Laure ⭐️"Super professional beautician, very gentle, very professional and efficient, it was my first time in this salon and I recommend" - Léa ⭐️ Superb Institute with beauty experts I have carried out several services, magnificent results and the team is incredibly kind. I highly recommend. -Sihem

  • Institut de beauté n°1 sur Trustpilot avec une note de 4,6/5
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  • Eva

    Sobella are beauty experts! Come into their cute institute and entrust them with your look, your face or your nails. The beautification is total! I have been following Sonia for several years and I have entrusted her with my beauty with complete peace of mind. I highly recommend Sobella to anyone who wants to take care of herself!

  • Stephanie

    Come for microblanding + shading. Sobella were great. Really. Pleasant, welcoming, with a smile, professional with very good advice, listening to their customers. Meticulous in their practice.
    Thank you once again for this service.
    I am delighted about it.
    I highly recommend this institute.

  • Avis cliente staisfaite sobella paris


    Sobella are the beauty experts! Come into their cute institute and entrust them with your look, your face or your nails. The beautification is total! I have been following Sonia for several years and I have entrusted her with my beauty with complete peace of mind. I highly recommend Sobella to anyone who wants to take care of herself!

  • Photo d'une pose de vernis cliente satisfaite de l'intstitut de beauté sobella paris à suresnes


    Surely the best institute in France. A loyal customer since the opening, I have never been disappointed. Sonia and Margaux know how to welcome and excel in their know-how. They deserve success. Thank you for everything !!! It's a great time that I spend with you on each appointment. See you soon 💗


    Online or at the institute. You choose !


    Free beauty consultation: +330176502255 .


    Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


    97% of our customers recommend us.